Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Do.

i feel beautiful
... my song of the day =)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My "Revelation"... I Choose =)

The greatest peace of mind is having no expectations at all!.. no worries, anxiety or being anxious waiting for something to happen or someone to come through. Everything really is all good when you just "go with the flow". I'm working on living by that right now. I am getting over the expectation of a promise that was empty and broken from the start: someone promising that they will always want to be with me and that we will be together in the end. Me being a pessimist and downright logical from the start doubted that this would happen and started thinking of reasons why this promise wouldn't be fulfilled... um.. he gets abducted by aliens, gets called to fight in an intergalactic war or turns out to be a man posing as a woman pretending to be a man lol ! I know, not the most logical circumstances, right? Well to me, those could be the only reasons I would accept him not coming back to me. So in other words, I believed there could be no reason at all.
Until I realized that anything could happen, and that promises are meant to be broken. And that we are young, so who cares if we don't keep our promises! Most of all, I realized that the time I spend thinking about or hoping for the future when/if we do get back together, I am not fully living in the present. I could deprive myself and whoever I happen to be with in the future of the best "me" possible.. and I don't want to do that. Hence, this "Revelation" lol ... and the rebirth of a new me. A "Me" that's not living in the past, but the present and not for something that most likely wont happen in the future, and I'm o.k. with that. =)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Don't We Look Delicious! =)

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Donika, Ciara, Jasmine, Me & Raechelle! ♥ them =)

Black (Bread) Like Me.

I am brown skinned.
Despite what you say, the color comes in a plethora of shades.
Amazed and outraged, you have to put me in a category
You have the chief authority
and are you one of those who calls
pumpernickel bread black bread?
oh, your eyes must be closed because I am not the color of the street.
So you call me dark skinned and I say repeat??
Like I'm a totally different species...
You say "Hey,Darkie!" and I can't even speak?
I can't even speak.
I laugh and clench my fists in heat
My senses cool me down.
I know that I am brown.
You are pretty- for a dark skinned girl,
what an ignorant thing to say
You are black like me and we are not slaves
I am not out in the field and "lighter" is not a better grade
of shade.
Our price He payed
This is not back way way back in the day
Before the enlightenment of young minds,
Before the betterment of the worse times.
And if I was darker I would not mind.
I would not be down.
It's just the negativeness associated with it is where I don't have the time.

*“I am not tragically colored. There is no great sorrow dammed up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes. I do not mind at all. . ." - Zora Neale Hurston