Friday, January 15, 2010

I Lost Myself

No matter how much you love someone, never forget you love yourself. Alota times, you get too caught up in loving someone, you make them your everything- The be all and end all. I did. And I'm letting it control me . I can't help it ... I needa get Karyn back, somehow...

Monday, January 11, 2010

My answer to this ingenious Formspring question.

pictured: Vickies Secret Models in L.A. ♥

Q: Can you pop it on a handstand, oh nevermind i forgot you have nothing to pop

First, I started to not answer this question because it looks as if this individual has an answer to thier own question! But then, I did. This is a question has a three-case scenario/answer. Here we go!!!

A: 1. You are must be a boy I rejected and is tryna vent. If I have nothing to pop, then why did you want it?! lol
2. You are jealous girl and if you are hating, then why are we friends on FB? & stop stalking! The reason you would be looking at my butt is very questionable. Ugh. Delete me !
3. This is just somebody playing on my Formspring and its not funny ... at all. It's actually hilarious ! =P

Anyway my anwer to the questions is.. is that even possible?? I can do a handstand, and I can pop it, but to do both must be an incredible feat. Can you? I have enough of "it". I love my size 3 jeans & my size 3 butt =) I like to call it a "Vickies Secret" butt lol... their models are gorgeous! ♥

Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 Big Relationship No No's - For Girls

1. Don't Ask Him Out
-even if you're sure he will say yes, you don't want him to say he was pressured or
anything later on down the road. You can hint at it, but never actually do the asking.

2. Don't Say I Love You-First.
- Ladies, I know we want love but I'm telling you, the sooner you get it started the faster it will complicate things. The guys feel the same way. Just go with the flow and if you like spending time with eachother, great! Just let him say it.. that way he doesn't feel pressured and you know he really means it.

3. Don't memorize his number.
- That's why you shouldn't get a BF with your only way to call him being a landline. As soon as you get his number, save it under his name and push-button call him or text him from his cell.That way, when or if you guys break up you won't be tempted to call and won't find yourself dailing his # when you meant to call someone else !

4. Don't reminisce about your ex.
- No matter how great a time you guys had at this specific mall and saw this specific movie, don't gush about it to your new guy. Believe me- it's the last thing he want to hear. Just imagine him telling the same story about his ex- ugh.. talk about ruining the mood!

5. Don't change him
- Yeah, blue might not be his color, but you don't have to tell him that. It's not like he'll wear that color for the rest of his life. If you don't like his style or the type of music he listens to, you don't like him ! Maybe you should second guess going out with him. Criticizing him makes him insecure and if you change him, you are possibly making him better for the next girl.

6. Don't spend every day together
-Even if you live right next door to eachother and you have the best fun- don't do it. Whether they may want it or not, couples need thier space away from each other. Practice this rule now before next thing you know, you are single and still at his front door, not knowing what to do with yourself SMH.

7. Don't reject his compliments
-If he likes your hair, and you don't say thank you ! Nobody likes a person who is always downing themselves and are negaitive. If you don't accept them, one day you will realize that they have stopped coming.

8. Don't tell him what he wants
- If he says he wants to be with you forever, don't tell him that he doesn't. Of course you know that it might not happen, but it is still nice to hear. If you keep telling someone that they don't mean what they say, they start to really belive it.

9. Don't be jealous
- Nobody likes jealous girl. point blank-not even a jealous boy

10. Don't Cheat
- Karma's a B****.

Follow these rules and you'll be cool (okay)!

Live Your Life =)

Recently, one of my closest friends posted on her blog, AlwaysJazzyGossip, her outlook on the new year. It goes something like, "Live Your Life!". She told everyone to take advantage of every moment you have, and to live with no regrets. She even encouraged everyone to write a list of goals that they have for the new year and, everytime someone accomplishes one, to send her a pic to post on her blog ! It could be anything from taking a road trip to trying a new food that you've always been scared to try. She really inspired me to make my list and you should , too- visit Jasmine at and show her how you are living your life! We're gonna make 2010 fun =)

My List:

1.) Go out to a new restuarant and try a new food. (I always play it safe with chicken =/ lol)

2.) Be in another print ad.

3.) Save up enough $ for a green car =)

4.) Be Brave Enough to make a Poetry Blog on Youtube

5.) Make a Habit of Studying in Morgan's Library ! - and not on my bed lol

... there will be more to come; now it's your turn !